Educational Performances for Primary Schools, Preschools, Childcare Centres, Libraries, OSHC & Community Events
South Australia 8353 0575 0407 816 059

School Performances - Reception to Yr 6 (Preschool Welcome)
Discover the Amazing Science of Bubbles
with Bubble-ologist Marty McBubble

Children will discover all of this and much more as Marty engages their natural sense of wonder with his interactive bubbly experiments.

How are bubbles created? Why do they pop?
What shapes and colours can bubbles make?
What is surface tension and why is it important?

Marty will use his amazing variety of bubble gadgets, music and comedy to explain the scientific principles behind soap bubbles.
The show was fabulous! So much fun and
so informative.The students loved it!
Tracy, Primary School Teacher

Concepts including flexibility, transparency, iridescence, evaporation, bubble geometry, surface tension, minimal surface area and properties of solids, liquids and gases will all be discussed at a level appropriate for the age of the audience.

Students and Teachers were mesmerised!
Very professional, and the mix of science and fun was just right.
Michelle, Principal, Cambrai Primary School
The show was amazing! Students were so engaged, and it was great the way Marty explained the vocabulary as well. I've had a lot of positive feedback from those who attended.
Dina, Primary School Teacher
Marty will also hold a 'Bubble Quiz' and the winning students will get to go inside a giant bubble!
Bubble Volcanoes, Bubble Rockets, Bubble Cubes, Bubble Sculptures and even Bubble Icecream!
You'll see them all in
The Scientific Bubble Show!

Marty McBubble is amazing!
The children were totally enthralled
Cath, Primary School Teacher
Engaging, Interactive and fun!
Steph, Primary School Teacher
The Scientific Bubble Show goes for 50 minutes and can be held in your school hall, gym or other large indoor space. Waterproof drop sheets are used so there is no mess made on your floor.

World Record Bubbles
In September 2020, Marty broke the World Record for Tallest Bubble ever made at 10.75m.
Click PLAY to see how he did it.
Back in 2017 he also set a World record for the Largest Indoor Bubble. 19.8 cubic metres.

Get ready for bubbles! Get ready for Science! Get ready for FUN!
Performances also available for Preschools, Childcare Centres, OSHC, Theatres, Community Centres, Community & Corporate Events.